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Couriers Steer Away From Outsourcing, Toward Savings
When the couriers representative unit-based team took a look at the work it was outsourcing, it discovered it could hire another employee, improve its routes, reduce its use of outside contractors and still save money. The team also figured out a way to improve its workflow with new technology and processes. The team saved $145,165 in six months—and the annual savings are projected at more than $375,000.
Here's What Worked
- Reconfiguring routes and bringing contracted routes in house
- Hiring an additional employee to reduce overtime and outside courier costs on the weekends
- Purchasing new technology for central dispatching that enables better tracking of packages
What can your team do to evaluate where savings can be found? What else could your team do to be more productive and not have to use contractors?
in cost savings over five months after the team reduced its use of contracted couriers